Time belts
UPACO time belts are made according to the OE requirements and standards of vehicle manufacturing. Time belts are from thread and fabric mixed with polyamide, high temperature resistance. Such type of threads and fabrics are designed and used to increase resistance and noiseless movement and also increasing lubricate resistance, according to the customer's requirement. Due to the important role of the cogs (tooth) in creating noise and movement in the scope of the motor function and in the line of declining periodical services, polymer materials are selected according to the standards of OEM companies, attention to the temperature of the motor shall be drawn in selecting the materials, for example, in motors with high temperature, belts with (HNBR) HSN compound shall be used.

Dynamo belts
UPACO Dynamo belts are in different layers due to the requirement of the customer, some of the belts consist of external layer mixed with polymer (in the case of non-existing idler or tensioner) or polymer external layer, the main layer is from polymer threads to transfer power and tolerate load. Polymers with high harness that have particular specifications in order to non sliding and… are used in the structure of the layer contacting poly. The standards to be used in manufacturing these parts are: SAE J 1459, SAE J 1596, JASO E109 and all these parts have been designed and produced according to the European standards.

V- belts
The durable and reliable performance of V-belts has distinguished UPA Co's brand from other brands. Applied technology guarantees such a dimensional precision in v-belts which allows them to be suitable for multiple transmission. this dimensional stability continues also during belt use.

Time & Dynamo belts replacement complex
All parts of the motor including idlers, tensioner and water pumps must be replaced in order to prevent from damaging to the motor and increasing efficiency of the motor due to the fact that motor is amortized gradually and on the time of changing parts in high speed. UPACO has supplied belts replacement sets in order to facilitate changing parts and making use of standard parts.